207 S. Main Street, Manteno IL 60950 | 815-468-3403 | stjosephmanteno@gmail.com
The Music Ministry enhances liturgical celebrations by providing music at the celebrations and is vital to good liturgy. The adult choir meets once a week for rehearsal and sings at 10:30 am Mass on Sundays. Individual song leaders, or cantors, are used at 5 pm Mass on Saturday and 8 am Mass on Sunday.
An organ, digital piano, and electronic organ are in place to accompany singing. Guitar and drums are also utilized to enhance the singing. Additional instruments would greatly enhance the music and are always welcome.
The need for volunteer choir members, cantors and musicians is both immediate and great. Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to join the choir. Those who wish to play an instrument would have their own instrument and possess basic music reading skills.
Current goals include adding enough choir members to broaden our sound and enable us to tackle more intricate musical arrangements. The addition of enough volunteers would allow for a second choir.
We, the family of St. Joseph Parish, redeemed by Christ’s death and resurrection and strengthened by His sacraments and Gospel, accept our calling to follow Him and let His light shine through us to all.
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