207 S. Main Street, Manteno IL 60950 | 815-468-3403 | stjosephmanteno@gmail.com
The Luncheon Ministry provides and helps serve luncheons to families of our parish after the funeral of a loved one. Volunteers and donations are always welcome for any of these luncheons.
Along with funeral dinners, they also help with other dinners and social events during the year such as the St. Joseph Dinner held in March.
This committee has been in existence in our Parish for over forty years.
Please contact Dawn LaMore at the Parish Office at 815-468-3403.
Funeral Committee ladies at Duke LeSage's funeral luncheon at Manteno Methodist Church. Ladies from St. Joe's teamed up with Manteno Methodist to serve 150 people.
We, the family of St. Joseph Parish, redeemed by Christ’s death and resurrection and strengthened by His sacraments and Gospel, accept our calling to follow Him and let His light shine through us to all.
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